Our Fall #AAFSpotlight shines on Erin Joseph. Erin is the Director of Creative Services for KSA&D, Inc.
Up to this point in your career, how many sketchbooks do you think you’ve filled with ideas?
A lot of sketchbooks earlier in my career, though I have to say now I get my ideas down on scraps of paper, which can be found on every surface of my office and house. You never know when inspiration will strike
Have you ever come up with an AMAZING idea, only to realize it’s been done before and you can’t use it?
Nope … however I have seen similar ideas after a project was completed. It’s something any designer can relate to. It’s fun to compare who did it better — you’re either proud or just saw something that opened your eyes.
What’s your favorite part of your day and why?
On weekdays, it’s the evenings. I look forward to throwing on my sweats and relaxing with my family. Almost any night you’ll find us watching one of the Philly sports teams (and usually getting our hearts broken), or reading a good book. And no night is complete without a hot cup of tea. It’s nice to turn off work for a few hours (yes – it is possible). On weekends I look forward to the early mornings. They are quiet and I have the house to myself.
Pictures on your desk: kids, pets or other?
Husband and dogs – they are my lifelines. Plus, the cutout of a hairless cat that my coworker thinks is the most disgusting thing he’s ever seen. It comes in handy when I need a laugh. I also keep a magazine cover that features LV Phantom TJ Brennan :).
My desk also holds a statue of the F-bomb (an awesome gift!), and I have prints from Charlie Harper hanging on the walls. He’s one of my favorite artists. And I can’t not mention my statue of Philadelphia Flyer Claude Giroux. Yeah, hockey is a fav.
What’s your definition of “business casual”?
Not a dress! I can’t say I’m a fan of “dressing up” and will choose sneakers over heels any day. So, if I’m not worrying about my outfit during the day, I’d say that’s business casual.
Currently, how big is the logo? Do you see it getting bigger? The client wants to know?
We know your brand is everything, and we will push it. But remember, anything is good in moderation.
About Erin:
Erin was born and raised in the Lehigh Valley and studied graphic design at Philadelphia University, which is now Jefferson. She’s been working at KSA&D for 15 years, where she started as a graphic designer and moved up the ranks to her current role as Director of Creative Services. Most days you’ll find her in the office with either a heater or electric blanket on and always listening to music. Erin feels every day brings a new adventure in this field. She’s seen the trend move from print to digital design and has worked to adapt to it. Although, these days, she admits a print job can be a nice change to the way you think about a design concept.
Outside of work she loves searching Pinterest for her next baking challenge and, of course, taste-testing. She enjoys running and finding interesting or challenging races, especially ones that give her a good story … and believe her when she says they’re out there. Erin can apply a Seinfeld quote to pretty much anything that happens in her life. It’s still one of her favorite shows. As her business card says, “I must be at the nexus of the universe!”